It’s January 2016, I’ll Wait till I have the Money

So you waiting for things to be just right to start your business.

You don’t want to make any mistakes. You are afraid what others will say.

Well I am here to tell you things and timing will never be just right. You will make mistakes… It’s just reality… we are human.

Oh so you don’t think so. Look at this Steve Harvey Video




He is very successful and he has made a mistake that people will talk about for years to come.

So don’t worry about the mistakes.

Here are two links that will help you in your business

Or drive traffic to your business.

As always make it a great day.

Andrew Perry – The trainer

Appreciation, Where has it gone?

This is for all you commission based sales people.  It includes you network marketers as well since you don’t get paid unless a product has been sold.

Think about your business for a moment. Let’s say you have a business where in this case that customer came to you. Yes it is a product that he or she can get someplace else. But they came to you after being mislead based on price and something that was promised and the other company could not deliver.

Now you do the right thing… You educate them tell them that the other company deliberately misled you. You give them an honest price… yes for profit. You must make profit to stay in business.

They don’t buy the product they came in for because they think you are not telling truths.

They go back to the other company to try to get the product and discover they can’t.   Which is what you told them. However instead of saying Hey Andrew I will that product from you. They Call you back and use you to get a different price on a similar product when they have every intention of not buy that product from you.  People just don’t appreciate good people anymore they rather be lied to.

So what do you do. .. You focus on people who want to buy your product from you. The others you simply let go.

I seeking people to work with and generate a substantial income from the comfort of you home. It this is you..

click the link below.

Happy November – Success is yours

Aren’t you so glad it’s November?  Why?

Oh well you can start to refocus and regroup… Think about the less than two months remaining to reach your goals.

I know I am really focusing on mine.  Just focus on what you can do for today. For those of you in the Internet Marketing  genre. Think about what your day would be like it you had one or two sales today.

Great let’s all focus on that today, two sales.  Looking for a new way

to accomplish this


Andrew Perry Joins I.C.

Yes another Successful day.

Yes you ready Correctly.  Andrew Perry Joins Ingreso Cybernetico. Why?

Yes it was for the business opportunity to generate income from home.  However most important is for the tools.   Yes I said tools.  If you truly want to generate income online you will need tools and what is important you don’t spend thousands monthly in systems.  Well this is your best solution. I recommend you take a look now.

Do you have Successful Dreams?

Where would you be today without dreams?

Think about that for a moment….. Do let anyone

Tell you it’s not something you should do.

Checkout this video by Jim Rohn. If you haven’t

Thought about dreams and goals.. you will know.

If you are seeking additional advice

on how to generate additional income

Click here

What is your Success Story for the day?

Have you had a successful month?
Did you reach your goals for the month
Of May.
For those of you who reached your goals great
And those who didn’t, well sometimes you have
To be thankful for what you did accomplish. I know
Everyone wants more. Well you can think about that
In June.

If you seeking additional ways to increase your success

Another Successful Month

I hope all of you had a success March 2015, in whatever field you are in.  Most of you reading this message are in the making money from home business using the Internet or that old fashion.. family and friends network marketing.

I hope you all generated the income you wanted.  If you did not, well what’s great is that you have another chance in the Month of April.   Do you remember the saying Just Do It… Yes that’s right…. NIKE.   I actually remember hearing that expression years ago by  a man named Art Williams.

See Here.


If you seeking to earn more in April

Go here.


Today is your Day For Daily Success

That is right your in a new day, new week or month.  Did you reach your goals last month?  Hopefully you did.  If you didn’t…. No Worries… What’s great, is you have another chance to succeed.  Hit the reset button and once again strive for the success you know you deserve.